Maha, Dress Making
Maha (16 years old), live with her eleven individual’s family in Tal Al Hawa, Gaza city.She only passed her first year of high school, 10th grade. She dropped out her school as her educational level was low due to the bad treatment of her step-mom. Her mother was divorced since she was little baby, leaving her with the father.She knows the minimum knowledge of sewing and used to do simple tailoring issues since childhood; that’s why she decided to enroll the NECC’s Advance Dress Making course. She says this course is providing her with new skills, lessons and practices. Now she is able to use the sewing machine and having one at home; and as she started to fix clothes to her friends, neighbors and other people with nominal fees to support herself .The reason beyond applying at this center is to find an appropriate job opportunity to support her and protect her dignity. She is a very ambitious lady and planning to have a Wool training course to have multi-skills and to open a wider chance to find job in the future.